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Beer Brackets Supporter


You get:

- Access to view our private Beer Brackets Pub Live Stream every 3 months

- 10% discount on the merch store


Beer Brackets Evangelist


You get:

- Access to view our private Beer Brackets Pub Live Stream every 3 months

- 10% discount on the merch store

- One free merchandise item every 6 months

- Your name will be featured in the credits at the end of each video


Beer Explorer


You get:

- One free MAGIC item every 3 months that is not available on the merch store for purchase

- You can participate to the Beer Brackets Pub Live Stream every 3 months

- You get a personalized Shout Out at the end of a video

- 15% discount on the merch store

- Your name will be featured in the credits at the end of each video